This page is ONLY for So Happy to Learn members with active subscriptions that are migrating from our old site to this new site.
Once you have completed the registration you will have limited access to the new site’s resources while your subscription status is verified and your renewal date is set with the new membership app.
Don’t be alarmed, the process will only take a few moments once we have been notified of your pending registration approval allowing for differences in time of day the registration was submitted and other factors such as time zones. You also still have access to the old site until further notice that that site has been discontinued.
If for whatever reason we cannot find your current subscription status in PayPal, we will contact you at the email address provided with your registration.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we initiate the cut-over to our new server. We think you will be pleased with the new format and features.
One improvement to note is that when you fill out the registration form page, you can now add a Username that can be used in place of an email address during log in.
Please click this button to open the register page on this new site.